There are too many people victim of this for LL to keep on ignoring us! If you are a content Creator or you are a blogger and supporting this cause please sent me your url and I will list you in here!!
Told ya that we are working on something new? Long, Long time ago Fred was a DJ in SL. But the DJ-ing got him into a lot of drama. So after we ended up he slowly got out of that. Not that I wanted him too but he did. I know he misses it. He knows so much about music. He also is capable to make wonderfull sets. he can capture his feeling at that moment with the music he chooses. So after me nagging on him he decided to get back. Well if he has time for it. So we decided to get out the factory and remodel it. It's becoming a great club. It won't have the purpose to get it running for the whole week. It will be a place where Fred can run his sets and maybe some of his friends will have some sets there aswell............. it's a growing thing and we don't have excact idea of what it will going to be.we will go with the flow! We will anounce our sets through facebook and twitter become friends with us and you will know when it is happening. It will be impromtue and there will be no real timeing for it. Just for enjoying music and having fun together!
I guess a lot of you never even heared of it. DSB-bank in Holland is in deep deep s***. And as I may say that's even understatement. I am not going into details here but a lot of people are having deep financial problems because of this 'bank'. A marketing-guy in Holland thought it would be a good idea to start a crawdsourcing project on this. to make a movie. From the people, about the people and towards the people. Everybody that thinks he can add his/her knowledge to any of the contests that will be set can join. And here comes our way of joining this project. We decided do make a logo in one of the first contest that they are having. Even made a funny annimatedgif for it .............................
Well heck have a look at all the others too and if you like it toss out a vote for us :)
Ok maybe I am just very obsessed with it at the moment. But through twitter i have seen more machinima of second Life then I have ever seen before. but they are all on different places and I thought it would be fun to explore those ............................
4. WeGame is one of the ways to capture your inworld machinima. But besides that it let you save it on their side too. becarefull because you cannot take it away yourself only by asking the siteadmin.
I was wandering along the web. Ever heared of QR codes?? Well I didn't. So I asked Fred if his HTC touch-and-I can-do everything-Thingie had the possibilitie to read these codes too. And just as me he never heared of it before. Its something that has popped over from Japan. They use it on everything. But what is it?? It's a 2-D graphic mobile phone readable barcode. On most newer mobile phones these readers are already installed. If it isn't installed yet you can find any of them on the web.
But what can you do with it?? As said before it's a barcode. You take a picture of it with your mobile and with the QR-Code reader you can read what it has in it. This can be anything as from text to url's. Funny textes but also adresses of your business whatever you like to get in. Online there are generators that will help you to make one. So what's the gadget................... you get a QR code somewhere you are publishing something. Somebody else takes a picture of it with his/her mobile and get's the message directly. Or they will get the URL right away and get directed to it if they are online. It's a whole new way and I even read that there are car's in Switzerland driving around with QR-codes on it. While you are waiting at the lights to get green you take a picture and get the information they want you to get!
I think it is fun! I like gadgets!!
Here's a Japanese commercial, no Japanese translation needed:)
Did you think it over when you started SL?? That the name you picked would be the one that almost feels like your own? Well i didn't but after 3 years it does. Maybe it's because I choose a name that was close to my own. I was playing Ceasar and on the forums when people dragged me into SL. So that's why i came up with AEster. Adding to that that I loved the hospital series ER and nurse Hathaway was involved with the ever so adobo George Clooney .....................
Following top 10 list is a randomly one all about names in SL.
1. has a top 100 of the most popular lastnames in SL you even can look if they are still available (if you are gonna join SL or making your alt)
2.Vint Valken has some good thoughts about creating your name. So you don't end up with names like Ivanerection ( no kidding, LL made him change his name at one point :)
3.ObiJan Technologies has the latest popular names, brithdays, lastnames, Lindens and many more.
4.Dahliagot a nice line up with funny names. I wished I wrote them down in during the last years.
5. If you are thinking about a custom name??? LL can get you that too. At Wiki/SL you'll read about it.
6. This post on Second Effects made me grin. Especcially the Hibbabalibba McMahon (try to pronounce it ) 7.This forumcontains some nice personal stories. 8. Couldn't help it but while searching for things I stumbled on this one and it made me go: awwwwwww
9. A jiraabout making a name change after Second Life marriage ............
10. Tfhere are also funny name generators online where you can find just that one unusual name you are looking for!!!
When I started to read about ma- chinima it was one of the first things I stumbled into. I guess it's something a lot of people already know. I am as always slow and late with things. I am 1011 days old an just found out about X-cite parts (no kidding 0-0) Torley made outstanding very fast to use and instant giving effects. They are great to use with your photographing or machinima. As I made some pictures for Mynt the effect is very well showing off there. If you want to see more of them go to the Mynt Flickr-Page ............................... and have a look at all the pictures ............... remember these pictures are taken while dancing. no posing. Just taking pics of peeps that are visiting and having a good time :)
Here's the link for Torley's work :
In order to show of our animated- mirrors, our creepy girl and our scary family portrait we got a small halloween spot too. As you can see we have some other stuff for sell there too. Even the Steampunky Kinda Fun Jet is out there. It's only 55L$ and believe me it's all worth it. You also can join our group wich will inform you with the newest stuff and we're not big spammers so don't hesitate!
So here it is our new shop!!!! We dusted the houses, cleaned the ship and vacuumed the beach. It took us almost the whole weekend to set the whole lot of it. Well of course we needed some working platforms too and we needed to get up the workingbox aswell.
But it's all set and done now. up and running. what more metafores can I use.......... come and have a peek soon.
Oh and I just kept outof the view the giant kangeroo that is on our neighboursclub :)) I think they are Aussies but I ain't sure. Did I mention again that did a wonderfull job to help us out so quickly?? we are very thankfull to them.
Well last but not least I will hand ya the slurl (the tiny customised one yes!!!) so grab it and come and have a look :)#######tiny surl inside##########
You know those url's that are like 9 sentences long. You want to share something with somebody else but instead of that you get an url that is almost as long as a novel. These are also very hard if you want to add something in twitter because they limited the space you can use for each tweet you get out. To prevent you from any headaches about this there are some great services out there. You can easily paste your-almost-like-a-novel-long-url and by a simple click you get a very small easily to share or tweet url.
On my search I found several on the web. just check them out and try wich one works the best for you. I got it in my shortcuts and use it all the time now ..................... There are probably more on the web. and I have even heared some browsers have add-ons for it. Google your way here are already 3 of them
As for yesterday it was kindof a shock. We had to take sudden actions and. Today when I got online I got a notecard from the company that owns the sims that are still up. Appearently the following has happened .................................
The Holding we rented our sim was a company in Second Life since 2006. They were fully payed by renters inworld and the Tier was due in L$. Somehow the holding got into trouble. And they weren't be able to pay their debts. some of their sims they leased from another holding in SL and the other part was fromLL using the usual methods. Because of the problems, those have never been cleared, the owner was found bancrupt on October the 15th 2009. On the strength unpayd tier LL reclaimed 40 (!!!!!!!!) of the sims owned by them and after a good analysis the other company found themselves with no other choise then to take back the ownership of the sims they were leasing. Appearently we were on one of the LL sims they took back. LL gave us 24 ours to take our stuff. Unforunatly we were not here at that time. So for us nothing is left then to submit a ticket to get back the stuff. The company that took back the ownership of their sims is offering help of course but they need time for it. But as yesterday got very clear ....................... nobody will get their payed tiers back.
A good lesson out of this is: never pay tier upfront too much. Unless you cannot avoid it of course like when you are going away for holidays but in every othercase just pay it weekly ........ then you never will get yourself in situations like this. Unfortunatly there are a whole lot of people that had to learn this lesson in a very bad way and I am very sorry for that ...........................
As from today we got our customised SLurl too. Ever seen this neat feature??? It doesn't cost andything and still it's kindof neat to have your customised SLurl. You only have to go to this page:
and click on the right on: Build your own SLurls. Then you will get a form and with the description that is on the about page you can easily set it up yourself. Within 5 minutes you have your own url and what is even better there is this gadget that will make it a tiny url too. (if you can't figure out how to do it you also can watch one of Torley's tutorials about it ..... )
For now I am happy. This whole 'sim deleting' business has brought us new stuf! and here it is the new and improved SLURL:
Asof the fact that we were out of land for our shop and we desperately needed to find something new we got a great idea. Frederic contacted the owners of our 'building and living' land Ursae:
They were very helpfull and within 40 minutes we got a new landoffer on one of their commercial zoned sims.
So we didn't have to think long about it. They were very kind and we could move in rightaway ..................
Because we accepted we had a busy evening. Everything had to be removed of the old parcel and need to be rebuild on the new. Including working-box, platforms and yes OMG yes we are working on our latest -InSync- project aswell. Altho it will not be public knowledge yet.
As we have been away from SL for some days it was quite weird to receive this notecard:
*** Holdings started with one man and his dream. A dream of building a virtual free state where the residents could proudly call Ancapistan home. Unfortunately even the world's greatest empires have endured hard times. These times are no exception. Due to the current economic status of the world and Second Life, it has become increasingly difficult to sustain 50 sims. *** Holdings will continue to exist, but we must take one step back in order to take two steps forward. If you wish to remain a part of our family at ***, we will be happy to relocate you to our original estate in the *** sims. Thank you for being a loyal part of ***. Here's to a bright future.
Well it was even worse. We didn't read that one ............... it was sent yesterday and today we got this as a last notice:
*** is disovled right now due to non payment to LL, if you are a displaced *** used be tenant, this is all that can be offered to you, Tenants from *** want to be relocated, ** can do that, 0 l to buy land but they need to pay tier. Anything else you need to place a ticket to LL concerning.
So basically we are without a land for our shop. I do hate this kind of disputes tho. They cannot have decided this as from once. They knew about this all. So why not inform people in front?? Why not help them with relocating. With making sure people weren't paying tier to long in front?? that is one side of the story. The other side is that we are without any rights. LL won't get in between.
We're sorry: Linden Lab cannot verify, enforce, certify, examine, uphold, or adjudicate any oath, contract, deal, bargain, or agreement made by the Residents of Second Life. Please contact the Resident with whom you have a dispute, and request that they make good on the deal. While you may have a valid agreement with another person, Linden Lab is not a party to and cannot resolve your dispute.
That means you just have to swallow. Feel bad and move on ............................................
We've been always quite curious if and when people are looking for us on the web. That's why we decided to get a counter. It's not visual to anybody and it will not show any statistics here. It's just that we wanted to know more and how we can even get it work better. Especcially with starting on twitter and facebook it will be facinating to see how it will develop. If you are interested of getting it on your own website foolow this link ...........
In the mean time we are working on something new. It will be a new step in the exploitation of our -InSync- brand .................................. Follow and you will know.
Yes as from today we are on facebook too. I added a gadget to the sidebar. So it wil be easily found.
As with twitter I don't know really what it will bring us! -InSync- is quite noobish with all of this.
We are now making the circle complete by linking all our stuff to each other. Not sure if it will be working and how it will be working or even why it will be working.
We just cross our fingers and hope for the best!!
Just for the first time so you don't have to click the gadget on the right..........................
here's the smiley to bring you to our facebook ..................... :))))
As said I started InSync on twitter and in that case it seemed nice to have a official own background. After some considerations I decided to make a collage of everything we did in the past year. So it became a mix and match of all kinds of things. From textures to tipjars to houses, boats and give away's. it was nice to wander through all the textures and all the logo's to see what would be nice there. here's a little view of it and if you like to see it bigger go to Twitter and join us there:)
InSync started to Twitter!!!. Twitter seems a strange medium. I can't say what it will bring InSync. But somehow it seems like it is another way to meet on the web. But the more I get into this the less I understand. sometimes I read things, I read it another time and even at the third or a fourth time it still seems like an Korean Ikea Manual to me.
At least I found a really nice twitter plugin wich you can find in the sidebar . For now Twitter seems like fun to me! If you like the plug-in I got it from Blogger Buster and here's the link:
YaY!!!! We are in time this time!! We always forget to make things for the holiday seasons. We are always way to late with cool ideas like steampunk eggs way after Easter. Not this time then!!!!!!
We have made several animated pictures for you to add to your spooky houses or gohst towns .................. We'll leave that up to you!! Have fun with them!!
I suddenly realised I have never even tried to make a movie in SL. It seems to be possible so I had to find out a lot. Of course there is the abfab Torley Linden with the most fantastic tutorials I have ever seen in SL. But heck that's why he gets payed for it I guess :) So after a day of swearing and shouting (that's quite normal when I start something new I don't have the patience to learn) I came up with something. So here it is!!! The first InSync machinima. It's a promo for our TinCan.
- - - - - - InSync - - - - - - Building Graphics More
We, Frederic Graves and AEster Hathaway, are the owners of -InSync- Services, a building- and graphic-design-company in Second Life. We build: houses, fun objects like tip-jars, freebies, give-aways. We produce textures for your buildings, logo's, clothing and profile pictures or any other business-related-request. We have high- standards and we like to delete our platform!!!