But what can you do with it?? As said before it's a barcode. You take a picture of it with your mobile and with the QR-Code reader you can read what it has in it. This can be anything as from text to url's. Funny textes but also adresses of your business whatever you like to get in. Online there are generators that will help you to make one. So what's the gadget................... you get a QR code somewhere you are publishing something. Somebody else takes a picture of it with his/her mobile and get's the message directly. Or they will get the URL right away and get directed to it if they are online. It's a whole new way and I even read that there are car's in Switzerland driving around with QR-codes on it. While you are waiting at the lights to get green you take a picture and get the information they want you to get!
I think it is fun! I like gadgets!!
Here's a Japanese commercial, no Japanese translation needed:)

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