When I started to read about ma- chinima it was one of the first things I stumbled into. I guess it's something a lot of people already know. I am as always slow and late with things. I am 1011 days old an just found out about X-cite parts (no kidding 0-0) Torley made outstanding very fast to use and instant giving effects. They are great to use with your photographing or machinima. As I made some pictures for Mynt the effect is very well showing off there. If you want to see more of them go to the Mynt Flickr-Page
http://www.flickr.com/photos/mynt-slebs/ ............................... and have a look at all the pictures ............... remember these pictures are taken while dancing. no posing. Just taking pics of peeps that are visiting and having a good time :)
Here's the link for Torley's work :
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