YES. As I told before Fred isn't back yet (well he wasn't when i wrote this) and all I can do is wander along Second Life. I am feeling sorry for my self, why doesn't anybody love me ................................ The place I popped up makes that feeling even grow. It's Wastelands. And it looks how it sounds. One big dump, streets got broken during the war. You see houses standing in the almighty desert now while they obviously have been builded on the sides of a mighty lake that now has been dried out. It certainly is a deserted piece of the earth. Were people go that have lost their believes in hapiness. The end of the world. Go and wander, see yourself. I love their own description tho they say it with better words then I can:
October Island Wastelands is a 1940's post-apocalyptic nuclear fallout sim. Playing old time radio horror.
Check your insurence before you go because you will never know if you will come out healthy I don't know what they keep in those barrels .....................