What can I say ...... this is the most amazing project we ever did. I once lived in a treehouse in SL and I always enjoyed that. It just reminds you of your childhood. I know that sounds so heavy but to me SL isn't more then playing barbies or actionman. We had some rough idea's when we started. In the beginning it was a simple platform, some roots and a tree. But it became a wonderfull trip. We aked the best of the both of us. Fred is always thinking out of the box and the handmade textures completed this. It is so much fun to walk around in this Treehouse. The changing pathways. The movable bridges. The amazing sounds and not to forget the hidden rooms wich you enter by the openable 'notso secret' hedges ......... This house is never dull. Rooms can be fully private. Playing tag is just too much fun here ...................And if you are in a very romantic mood: you can dance under the moonlight at the top platform.

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