When we just met we didn't even know we had so much in common. Fred was building the Haunted House and was in need of some textures. When he introduced me to the people that asked for the building he called me his personal texture-maker. Wich was totally bull-shit because I never had made one single texture in my life. at least not one to texture a building. But as he was building and I was harrassing him all the time. Then he asked me to make a texture. and I am so sure he did because he was fed up with my witty remarks. So I said I would give it a try ......................... And I made another one and another one and even then another one. After finishing it we did a while nothing but we started a new project, and another and another and before we knew we where having kinda of a what you can call a business.
So we were in need of a logo. We had both some rough times. And we felt completely Synchrone with each other. Ofcourse we fight ..................... call each other bad names ...................... but after all we always get back InSync. The Logo represents that feeling. It is a kindof merge of two ying-yang figures. Representing the two individuals we are and together we create beauty ......................