Since some weeks we are involved in some bigger projects. When Kalli Birman introduced us to Kitviel Silberberg we couldn't have expected what that would bring us. Kitviel runs (together with a dedicated team) a very inspiring and unique university on SL: The Learning Experience. This is a free university that provides lessons in a range of different subjects. Our project was as unique as Kitviel is. We had to produce a new Main Campus and Admin-building. Kitviel is an openminded projectmanager and besides the fact that he had clear ideas regarding the usability of the building he let us totally free in our creativity. It's a pleasure to work like that and the fact that we had our strings towards the usibility didn't restring us in our desire to make a fairly unusual building. The building will be used for different purposes. There is a groupsroom, a classroom and it contains the students-corner on the roof. The colours are bright and it just makes you happy to see a building like this. As you are probably reading this we are busy with our newest project .................... want to have a look? It will be behind the main building .....................

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