I am in no way a marketing guru. What I am about to write here is just something I am trying at the moment. These comments or idea's are in no way a must but I think it is working very well for us at the moment so that is why I wanted to share it with you.
As we are building big things we would need a big space to sell our things. So we still don't have that. most of the houses we have builded we live in. so through IM people could see it. that isn't ideal but we are for now not sure it will be of any use to buy a plot to get our houses on.
If we get something new I use the following steps to get it known out there.
* First is off course the packaging and listing in XStreet. I try to use a simular way to make all the selling photo's we get onto Xstreet aswell.
*As it is out there I make a post at the What is New @ blog. this is a great way to get out your new made items.
*Then I add it to our own blog aswell. with links all over the place of course.
*I also have a Flickr-Account. I post photo's about our buildings our sellings and about fun thins aswell. But Flickr has a very big Second Life community. So there are hundreds of groups out there. They give you the opportunity to join and to add photo's. That makes it possible to join specific groups that can give you specific customers and lovers of what you make. In this case I joined groups like SL-Steampunk community, builders and photographers groups.
*Next to that I joined some blogs of people that arein SL too and who are bloggin about specific subjects. For exsample the New Babbage community.
*I always wandered a lot around the SL forums. There is a big community behind that. It gives you so much opportunities. To see whatever others do, what they make, what they want to learn and most of it want to share with you. it is a great way to exhibit your items there as well to find people that could need your knowledge or help.
All that you want to do is to get to be known. that people will ask you for help. that people want to do business with you. Untill now we did most of our jobs through people we already knew. But as we are expanding more poeple will know us and will be able to find us. we are in the lucky position that we have had very nice assignments untill now. But most important thing off all is that we are doing this because we like to do it. It is our passion, it runs through our vains ................. we are -InSync-

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